Carmen Frías Hate (2025)

1. Hate Speech Towards Female Candidates in the Community of ...

  • 1 feb 2024 · This research seeks, through content analysis, to identify and analyse expressions of hatred directed towards the five female candidates for the presidency of ...

  • 1. Introduction

2. [PDF] Congressional Directory - GovInfo

  • propriate Technology in Health (PATH); founder, Hate Free Zone, 2004–08; founder, ... —Carmen Frias. FAX: 225–6197. Scheduler.—Wendy Hamilton. Communications ...

3. Kendrick Lamar: our modern-day Nina Simone - Loquitur

4. a methodology to determine origin and characteristics of hate speech ...

  • 29 dec 2022 · ... Frías-Vázquez, Maximiliano (2021). "Detectando el odio ideológico en Twitter. Desarrollo y evaluación de. un detector de discurso de odio ...

  • Este artigo está interessado na reproduí§í£o de mensagens com carga ideológica cujas origens ou interesses permanecem ocultos à opinií£o pública. Especialmente em plataformas e redes de comunicaí§í£o social, há necessidade de transparíªncia sobre debates polarizados que deformam, impedem ou distorcem a abordagem crí­tica que qualquer sociedade deveria ser capaz de construir sobre questíµes de grande interesse social. A investigaí§í£o demonstrou que a hostilidade colonizou a comunicaí§í£o digital através de mensagens misóginas, homofóbicas, transfóbicas, transfóbicas, xenófobas e outras, e que estas ní£o sí£o frequentemente interací§íµes espontí¢neas ou individuais. No espaí§o virtual existem forí§as que, invisí­veis fora dele, constroem narrativas, geram desinformaí§í£o e alimentam abordagens ideológicas geralmente regressivas. Em nome da transparíªncia e da justií§a social, é urgente investigar este tipo de mensagens, bem como os seus possí­veis interesses desestabilizadores num momento de presení§a especial e reputaí§í£o de discursos como o feminista, que no entanto estí£o a experimentar uma resposta reactiva significativa de posií§íµes reaccionárias. Este texto, utilizando técnicas de aprendizagem automática, processamento de linguagem natural (PNL) e aplicaí§í£o de teorias de rede, está interessado na origem e caracterí­sticas da conversa na rede social Twitter em relaí§í£o ao género e às identidades sexuais. Para este fim, foi estudada uma amostra significativa de tweets...

5. Refugees Welcome? Online Hate Speech and Sentiments in Twitter in ...

  • Maximiliano Frías-Vázquez. (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Campus Unamuno ... Cabrera & Carmen Jambrino-Maldonado, 2020. "The Contagion of Sentiments ...

  • High-profile events can trigger expressions of hate speech online, which in turn modifies attitudes and offline behavior towards stigmatized groups. This paper addresses the first path of this process

6. Xenophobia & Racism - IMMIGRANTS IN COVID AMERICA

  • What acts of discrimination, hate crimes, hate speech have occurred? And how ... Sesin, Carmen. “Latino Leaders Demand Florida Governor Apologize for ...

  • Editors: Lei Zhang, Erika Lee, Eunice Kim This collection of news reports, perspectives, and other resources documents the rise of xenophobia and anti-Asian racism in the U.S. from late January 2020 to the end of March 2021. The false linkage between COVID-19 and the "uncivilized" Chinese habit

7. SPAIN Production Listings - May 4 2004 - Screen Daily

  • 4 mei 2004 · Ed: Carmen Frias.Music: Lucio Godoy. Wardrobe: Marta Torres. Make-up ... An unlikely couple begins an unlikelyromance after their hate-at-first- ...

  • SPAIN - MAY 4PREPRODUCTIONAlgoHabran Hecho(Ibarretxe & Co, Dale Candela [Arg], OM Films [Fr]) Based on the true storyof a nun who was kidnapped and went missing in Buenos Aires in 1977. Prods:Eduardo Carneros, Maria Cabrejas, Olivier de Bannes. Ed: Luis CesarD'Angiolillo. Music: Pablo Velez. Dir: Fernando Oscar Nogueira. Scr: MariaCabrejas. ...

8. [PDF] 115th Congress - GovInfo

  • propriate Technology in Health (PATH); founder, Hate Free Zone, 2004–08; founder, ... —Carmen Frias. FAX: 225–6197. Scheduler.—Wendy Hamilton. Communications ...

9. [PDF] a methodology to determine origin and characteristics of hate speech ...

  • 14 apr 2021 · Hate speech; Misogyny; Social media; Social networks; Social networks analysis; Transphobia; Feminism; LGBTIQ+; Gen- der diversity; Sexual ...

10. [PDF] Eighteenth Annual Commonwealth Heroines of Massachusetts

  • 23 jun 2021 · as an electrical engineer, makes her a true Commonwealth Heroine. Carmen Frias-Interrante, Methuen. Recommended by. Rep. Linda Dean Campbell ...

Carmen Frías Hate (2025)


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